Field Re-opening on the 29th March 2021
We are please to announce the reopening of the field from Monday the 29th March. Again we are in a very lucky position and special dispensation has been given by the government to sports to allow us to open so there are rules that MUST be followed.
Risk assessment must be in place and this has been carried out by the field captain and is in place.
- The register / guest book must be filled in without exception.
- Social distancing must be followed when not on the line
- Archers should pull their own arrows
- No spectators allowed
- If a career or parent needed there should only be 1 person to support
There will be no limit to numbers of archers on the field. Bosses must be a minimum of 3.66m apart we have 10 bosses set out in covid safe lanes and it will be on a first come first served basis 2 archers from different households or a family bubble are allowed on the boss.
The toilets are allowed to be open but no other indoor facilities
Members of the committee will be keeping an eye on the sign in book and the field, so please make sure we are all following the rules it has been a hard year for all of us and it is nice that we are now able to return to some shooting.