Cleadon Open Tournaments 2025
Cleadon Annual General Meeting (AGM)
18th Junior Open Tournament 2022
Outdoor Open Competitions 2022
Indoor Shooting 2021-22
Archery Big Weekend
2021 Cleadon Competitions
Field reopening on Monday 29th March 2021
Great day at Green Lane
Photos from unofficial opening of the field
Cleadon Archers WA900 (UKRS) – 10th May 2025
Event Detail-

About US
Thanks for visiting Cleadon Archers’ new website.
New content is being added regularly, please allow us some time to fully launch the website.
We are a friendly club of well over 100 archery loving members, in the area between Sunderland and South Tyneside that includes East Boldon, West Boldon, Cleadon, Whitburn, South Shields and Sunderland North areas.
Whether you’re an experienced archer, novice or are simply looking for information, we hope you will find it here.

Venues and Times
We have two shooting centres. The outdoor range is used in Spring and Summer (though outdoor shooting does go on all-year-round) before moving indoors during Autumn and Winter.
Our indoor venue is located at Boldon Community Association. Indoor shooting commences at the end of September. The hall is a shared archery and bowls hall. Any club members using the centre MUST wear flat, smooth-soled, gripless shoes that will not mark the bowls surface whilst putting protective carpets down. Archers are reminded that they should arrive in plenty of time to help with the set up of the hall.
- Wednesday 7:00pm – 9:30pm
- Friday 7:00pm – 9:30pm
- Sunday 9:30am – 12:00pm
Located behind Boldon Cricket Club, on the main Sunderland to Newcastle road. There is a small car park, adjacent to the field, specifically for archers and facilities are available.
The outdoor season generally begins the first sunday in April and we move indoors again following the AGM in October. Shooting takes place daily most of the year, and archers are limited only by weather.

Beginners Courses
All our courses follow the guidelines as laid down by AGB and our Club Coaches are qualified by AGB. From time to time, junior assistant coaches, trainee Level 1 / Session coaches and unqualified experienced archers may be involved in coaching and teaching.
Beginners lessons take place during the indoor season (October-March) on a Sunday morning. For the rest of the year the lessons are held at our Outdoor venue on various days. Our lessons are open to aged from 10 and upwards and all physical abilities. Our course comprises two online lessons and five hands-on lessons.
All the necessary safety and shooting equipment needed for the course is provided for you for the course. We also have a bow hiring scheme for people to have access to equipment after completing our course in order to reduce the costs associated with starting a new sport.

Contact US
The Chairman is a figure head for the club. Duties include chairing club meetings and co-ordinating the club committee and officers.
The Secretary takes the minutes of club meetings, manages the annual affiliations to AGB and co-ordinates internal and external communications for the club.
The Treasurer manages the club’s finances, collects annual fees and pays them to the county archery association. All money collected on behalf of the club must be passed to the Treasurer.
The clubs safeguarding officer is Tracy Crow.
If you have any safeguarding issues or concerns, please speak to Tracy directly or use the form which will send her a direct email.
The Records Officer records scores for classifications, handicap improvements, updating club records and awarding club trophies. It is the responsibility of the members to ensure that their scores are left in the storage unit for collection and that their away scores are reported to the Records Officer. The Records Officer can send your scores to the county records officer if you wish, for county record claims and ranking.
The Coaching Organiser is responsible for the provision of coaching at the club as well as coordinating beginners courses.
Any enquiries with regards to our beginners courses.
Something doesn’t work as it should? Something is missing? You have an idea you’d like to share? SHAZAM! Or just email the admin, no such thing as a silly question (no guarantees the admin is sane though).
If you don’t know who address your enquiry to, just pick this option.
Please fill attached form and click "Send"
We will do everything we can to respond as soon as possible.